It seems that some people are in a big hurry to realize as many things as they can during their time in this world. Viorel Ristea has always been with 10 steps ahead people his age, so if you ask me, he probably did in 29 years what other people do in a hundred. Always with a big smile on his face, always trying new things and always pushing himself to the limit. He did this in sports, politics and even in his personal life. I will not go into the details of his sportive and political career, since you can find this details with a simple google search. I would like to show everybody my opinion about the man that became a legend on the night of June the 16th 2011. I think that Viorel is really an example to be followed by all people regardless of their age, sex or social status. An example of courage, determination and positive thinking. Against all odds the fat kid that used to be called “Sumo” became one of the best bodybuilders in Romania if not in the world. Don’t think that Vio was a sad little fat boy from the block…neah, even then he had only positive thoughts and a big smile on his face. I remember that he told me once that he is fat but he is a good looking fat boy…this happened in the early 90s when we where in elementary school and there were no books or movies about positive thinking. He was right, he was a good looking fat boy but that didn’t stop him a couple of years later to lose almost 30 kilos in just one summer. It seems that there was absolutely no border for Vio and nothing could stop him from getting what he wanted.
The most important thing that people can learn from Viorel Ristea is that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and give it at least a try. If you have something in your mind don’t wait and think about a possible failure…just get up and do it. If you do so the worst thing that might happen to you is to become a legend, like he is now…see you later Vio!
I’ve decided to do this “material” in English because I know that Vio is still working on his international recognition, I’m trying to do a small part in his plan and let as many people as possible to know about his legend.
However…his family has some financial problems with getting Vio back home from Miami. You can help by donating any amount into his brother account :
Your help would be highly appreciated!